Welcome to The Summer Event in Nord Østerdal 2016

Join us for a four days orienteering competition in terrains nearby the World Heritage Site Røros, in the northeastern part of southern Norway.
Click here to read more about Røros.
Thursday 30. June: Sprint distance in the village of Røros.
Organizer: Røros IL. Interval start.
Friday 1. July: Middle distance in mountainlike terrain close to the village of Røros.
Organizer: Røros IL. Interval start.
Saturday 2. July: Middle distance at the crosscontry skiing arena Holden, 25 kilometers north of Røros.
Organizer: Ålen IL. Interval start.
Sunday 3. July: Long distance, at the same arena as Saturday.
Organizer: Ålen IL. Chasing start.
Further information is to be announced.
Click here to read more about Røros.
Thursday 30. June: Sprint distance in the village of Røros.
Organizer: Røros IL. Interval start.
Friday 1. July: Middle distance in mountainlike terrain close to the village of Røros.
Organizer: Røros IL. Interval start.
Saturday 2. July: Middle distance at the crosscontry skiing arena Holden, 25 kilometers north of Røros.
Organizer: Ålen IL. Interval start.
Sunday 3. July: Long distance, at the same arena as Saturday.
Organizer: Ålen IL. Chasing start.
Further information is to be announced.